Week 0

  • Availability Poll
  • Tech Assessment and Preferences Survey
  • Please review this site, especially the course policies and grade breakdown.
  • Virtual “Muddy Cards”

Week 1: Algorithmic Metaphor (June 29 - July 3)

Course Introductions

  • Post: Welcome to ENGL 3380! Please Introduce Yourself.

What’s the “project” of this course?

How do we know algorithms? What rhetoric surrounds them?

  • Taina Bucher, “The Multiplicity of Algorithms,” in If…Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics
  • “Coding,” Vox’s Explained series on Netflix
  • Post: What is an algorithm, anyway?

Week 2: Algorithmic Identity and Surveillance (July 6 - July 10)

  • Week 2 Orienting Notes

How do algorithms know us? What rhetoric do they enact?

Is surveillance new? How 'bout to you?

  • Guidelines for Project 1: Watching the Watchers
  • Jacqueline Wernimont, “Every Step You Take,” from Numbered Lives: Life and Death in Quantum Media (2018)
  • Jesse Stommel, “Love and Other Data Assets,” blog (2020)
  • Post: Data Capture

Accessing SOME of your Data

Week 3: Algorithmic Literacy and Logics (July 13 - July 17)

  • Week 3 Orienting Notes

When are we algorithmic?

How do we “write” with code?

  • Xavier Adam, “API Whispering 101,” medium (2019)
  • excerpts from Annette Vee, “Sociomaterialities of Coding,” Coding Literacy: How Computer Programming is Changing Writing (2017)
  • API Tutorial
  • Post: API Data Dump

Week 4: Algorithmic Bias and Mediation (July 20 - July 24)

Can Algorithms be racist?

How do algorithms control the “flow” of information in networks? What’s our role in these systems?

Week 5 Algorithmic Agency, Ethics, and Accountability (July 27 - July 31)

  • Guidelines for Project 2: Ethnographic Integrative Memo

Who do algorithms leave accountable?

Bad actors

  • Week 5 Orienting Notes
  • Adrian Chen, “The Agency,” The New York Times Magazine (2015)
  • Jonathan Bradshaw, “Rhetorical Exhaustion & The Ethics of Amplification,” Computers and Composition (2020)
  • Jeremy David Johnson, “Ethics, Agency, and Power: Toward an Algorithmic Rhetoric,” in Aaron Hess and Amber Davisson (eds.), Theorizing Digital Rhetoric (2017)
  • Post: Agency

Week 6: Algorithmic Remix and Resistance (August 3 - August 7)

  • Looking ahead to our Collaborative Project

How do we write with Algorithms in mind?

Hashtag Activism

Week 7: Starting to Wrap Up (August 10 - August 14)

  • Post: Deciding on our final project together
  • Post: Final project chat
  • Manifesto Drafting Space (Google Doc)

Course Evaluations

  • ENGL Department